SponsorsBack to top
We thank the following companies for their generous support of the Artificial Vision Symposium 2024 in Aachen:
![]() Roche Pharma AG Emil-Barell-Straße 1 79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen www.roche.de Sponsorship: EUR 2.175,- |
![]() Novartis Pharma GmbH Sophie-Germain-Straße 10 90443 Nürnberg www.novartis.de Sponsorship: EUR 2.150,- |
![]() Bayer Vital GmbH Geb. K56 51366 Leverkusen www.gesundheit.bayer.de Sponsorship: EUR 1.650,- |
![]() AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG - EyeCare Mainzer Straße 81 65189 Wiesbaden www.abbvie.com Sponsorship: EUR 1.400,- |
![]() Alimera Sciences Ophthalmologie GmbH Cicerostraße 21 10709 Berlin www.alimera-sciences.de Sponsorship: EUR 500,- |
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG supports the meeting with EUR 20.000,- The financial support of these eight companies adds to the budget of Artificial Vision 2024 financing the costs of this conference, i.e. printing costs, postage, bank fees, rental costs of the congress venue, technical equipment, catering, travel expenses and accommodation for invited speakers, web design, insurances, certification fees, PCO etc.
PrefaceBack to top
Dear Collegues and Friends,
it is my great pleasure to invite you all to the 2024 Artifi cial Vision Conference in Aachen, Germany.
Although, many wonderful ideas how to design a visual neuroprosthesis for the blind had been developed in the past and enormous work was done in many labs, institutes, and clinics around the globe, the sustainable realization of a product providing useful vision for the patients is still not achieved. Clinical trials have been performed on several products in the past with moderate to good success, but it turned out that it is extremely difficult for companies to remain well fi nanced for continuously pursuing research, development, fabrication, service, rehab, clinical trial sponsoring, and many other aspects.
Many lessons have been learned so far and although the translation is still a big problem, the enthusiasm of many researchers to continue the quest for a better visual prosthesis is still unbroken.
The challenge, to restore vision in blind patients remained a big task, but over the years, we learned a lot about how to interface the visual system with new materials and electrode designs. We learned how to provide data and energy for high density systems and for larger implants. AI based algorithms for data processing of the visual input shortly opened new possibilities and the design of stimulus patterns based on simultaneous recording of retinal or cortical activity may also be a wonderful approach to achieve useful percepts with future implants.
Artifi cial Vision 2024 in Aachen, Germany is the best opportunity to discuss all these new aspects of Visual Neuroprosthetics with colleagues and friends from all over the world.
Sincerely and on behalf of the organizing committee
Dr. Peter Walter
Professor of Ophthalmology
RWTH Aachen University
General InformationBack to top
Scientific programme |
Prof. Dr. Peter Walter |
Organization |
Congress-Organisation Gerling GmbH |
Venue |
Novotel Aachen City |
Official Language |
English |
Date |
Thursday, December 5th, 2024, 12:30 h - 18:30 h |
Opening hours congress office |
Thursday, December 5th, 2024, 11:30 h - 18:30 h |
Opening hours industrial |
Thursday, December 5th, 2024, 12:30 h - 18:30 h |
Online Registration |
Hotel Booking |
We blocked several rooms in the Novotel Aachen City
from December 4 to December 7, 2024. Please contact the
reservation department and refer to the code „Artifi cial Vision“: |
Attendance Fee
*PhD Students and residents must supply a letter of verification as proof of training. The letter has to be sent to the congress organization prior to the meeting. The attendance fee covers the costs for coffee breaks, lunch, and the conference dinner (accompanying person EUR 50,–). Incl. VAT and excl. foreign transfer fees. |
Payment |
by bank transfer (bank details are quoted on your confirmation and invoice. Please do not transfer money without noting your invoice number!) PayPal or by credit card: VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD |
Important notes for participants |
The attendance fee covers the costs for coffee breaks, lunch, and the conference dinner. If you register late or on-site we cannot guarantee for lunch and participation in the social program. You are encouraged to apply for the meeting either online, by mail or by fax. Cancellation for the symposium has to be made via e-mail or via fax (+49 (0) 2 11 / 59 35 60) by December 1st, 2024. In any case an administration fee of EUR 22,– has to be paid. After this date no refunds can be made. Changes, errors and misprints excepted. |
CME-POINTSBack to top
The Symposium is certified by the Ärztekammer Nordrhein providing 7 CME-points for each day for the German Continuing Medical Education System.
For the german participants: Bitte geben Sie ihre EF-Nummer bei der Onlineanmledung an, damit wir die Punkte an die Ärztekammer melden können.
An equivalent Certificate of Attendance will be given to you upon on-site registration.
Presentations |
Projection |
Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on CD-R/DVD/flash drive or own
notebook. |
Conference Dinner |
19:30 h |
Erholungs-Gesellschaft Aachen 1837 |
Price per person |
Participant – included in the attendance fee, but due to notification
(incl. dinner and drinks):
Scientific ProgrammeBack to top
Thursday, 5th December, 2024
12:00 h |
Come Together |
12:30 h |
Welcome Note Peter Walter (Organizing Committee) Veronika Rink (DFG, Program Chair Microsystem Technology) Stefan Uhlig (Dean of the Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University) |
12:45 h |
1st Session Understanding degeneration and regeneration in the visual system
Chairs: |
01.01 V |
David G. Litvin1, A. Boizot1 , D.Ghezzi2 |
01.02 V |
Anna Kochnev Goldstein1*, S.V. Shah2*, Z.C. Chen3, P. Vasireddy1, A.J. Phillips1, M. Bhuckory3,4, D. Palanker3,4 |
01.03 KV |
Nruthyathi Nruthyathi1, M. Jung2, J. Wang3, V. R. Montes2, A. Offenhäusser2, A. Willuweit3
, F. Müller1 |
01.04 KV |
Mari Bonse1, J. Wang1, S. Krause1, M. Schöneck1, N. Burda1, M. Cremer1, N. Jon Shah1,4,5, K.-J. Langen1,6, B. Kampa2,4, F. Müller3, A. Willuweit1 |
01.05 KV |
Julia Baumann1, D. Holtrup1 , E. Balla1, H. Koch2, K. van Loo2, S. Rotter3, F. Müller4, B. Kampa1 |
01.06 V |
Yiqing Li |
01.07 KV |
Liyan Liu, J.H. Tang, Q. Zhang, Z. Liu, Y.H. Zhuo, Y.Q. Li |
01.08 KV |
Jiahui Tang, Z. Liu, Y.Q. Li |
01.09 KV |
Zhe Liu, J.H. Tang, Q. Zhang, L.Y. Liu, Y.H. Zhuo, Y.Q. Li |
14:15 h |
2nd Session New Electrodes
Chairs: |
02.01 V |
Daniel Palanker1, M. Bhuckory1, K. Ly1 , A. Shin1, A. Kochnev-Goldstein1, N. Jensen1, L. Galambos1, E. Butt2, K. Mathieson2, T. Kamins1 |
02.02 V |
Tarık Safa Kaya1, H. Nur Kaleli2, R. Balamur3, A.Önal4, Ç. Pehlivan2, U. Berkay Çalışkan3, 14:30 h R. Mohajeri3, A. Şahin 2,5, M. Hasanreisoglu2,5, S.Nizamoglu3*
02.03 V |
Jisung Kim1, J.S. Lee2, C.H. Baek1 |
02.04 V |
Hwi Ahn |
02.05 V |
Jiseon Lee1, J. Kim2, N. Lee1, J. Seo1,3 |
02.06 KV |
Simon Decke1,2, M. Jung1,2, J. Abu Shihada1,2, L. Koschinski1,2,3, S. Musall1,2,4,5, V. Rincón Montes1, A. Offenhäusser1 |
02.07 KV |
Domenic Pascual1, A. Albert1, K. Seidl1,2 |
02.08 KV |
Claire Baum1*, P. Vasireddy1*, P. Wang1, A.J. Phillips1, K. Affolder2, S. Kachiguine2, P. Hottowy3, A.Sher2, A. Litke2, E.J. Chichilnisky1 |
15:55 h |
Coffee break in the industrial exhibition |
16:25 h |
3rd Session New Systems
Chairs: |
03.01 V |
Yasuo Terasawa1,2,3, H. Tashiro2, J. Ohta3 |
03.02 V |
Mohajeet B. Bhuckory1,2, A. Shin 3, V. Mamchik1, Q. Devaud1, D. Pham-Howard1,2, N. Jensen4, A. Kochnev Goldstein4 , R. Dalal2 and D. Palanker1,2 |
03.03 V |
Nathan Jensen, A. K. Goldstein, K. Ly, D. Palanker |
03.04 KV |
Roman Deubel1, S. Johnen2, E. Glowacki3 , Z. Gao1, S. Ingebrandt1 |
03.05 KV |
Kazim Or |
03.06 KV |
Eashika Ghosh, G. Ziyu, V.T. Xuan, S. Ingebrandt |
03.07 KV |
Ieva Vebraite Adereth, S.Oz, C. Bar-Haim, Y. Hanein |
03.08 KV |
Martin Kasavetov, E. Yilmaz, L. Koschinski, M. Jung, S. Decke, A. Offenhäusser, V. Rincón Montes |
03.09 KV |
Kalyani Devkota, R. Opgenorth, B. Chowdhury, S. Johnen, S. Ingebrandt, Z. Gao |
03.10 V |
Viviana Rincón Montes1, M. Jung1,2, M. Kasavetov1 , N. Nruthyathi3, F. Balcewicz4, T. Lohmann4, F. Müller3, P. Walter4, A. Offenhäusser1 |
03.11 KV |
Fatemeh Molasarvestani, E. Ghosh, S. Ingebrandt, X. Thang Vu |
03.12 V |
Madeline Hays1, A.J. Phillips1 , R. Wijermars2, M. Jang3, P. Wang1, S. Cogan4, D. Muratore2, E.J. Chichilnisky1 |
18:30 h |
End of the scientific programme day 1 |
19:30 h |
Conference dinner |
Friday, 6th December, 2024
09:00 h |
4th Session Preclinical Stimulation Studies
Chairs: |
04.01 V |
Keith Ly1,2, D. Pham-Howard1,2, M. B. Bhuckory1,2, A.K. Goldstein3, N. Jensen3, D. Palanker1 |
04.02 V |
Paul Werginz, L. Koppenwallner, G. Zeck |
04.03 KV |
Andrea Corna, G. Zeck |
04.04 V |
Taekyung Lee1, S Hwang3, J Lee1, J Seo1,2, S Jun3,4,5 |
04.05 V |
Hyeonhee Roh1,2, J. Kang2, H. Lee2, M. Im1,3,4 |
04.06 V |
Laurens Goyvaerts1,2, M. Schelles |
04.07 KV |
iayun Wang1, T. Lohmann1, F. Balcewicz1, S. Johnen1, Y. Wu2, H. Konermann2, K.Keven2, J. Stegmaier2, P.Walter1, S. Baumgarten1 |
04.08 V |
John S. Pezaris1,2, N. J. Killian3 |
04.09 KV |
Bisruta Chowdhury1, R. Deubel1, H. Koch2, S. Ingebrandt1 , Z. Gao1 |
04.10 KV |
Ramandeep Vilkhu1, P. Vasireddy1, K. Kish2, A. Gogliettino1 , A. Lotlikar1, P. Hottowy3, W. Dabrowski3, A. Sher4, A. Litke4, S. Mitra1, E.J. Chichilnisky1 |
04.11 KV |
Amrith Lotlikar1, P. Vasireddy1, A. J. Phillips1, J. Brown1, R. Vilkhu1, P. Hottowy2, A. Sher3, A. Litke3, S. Mitra1, E.J. Chichilnisky1 |
04.12 V |
Andrew J. Phillips1, M. Hays1, A. Kling1, R. Vilkhu1, P. Vasireddy1, P. Hottowy2, W. Dabrowski2, A. Sher3, A. Litke3, E.J. Chichilnisky1 |
11:20 h |
Coffee break in the industrial exhibition |
11:50 h |
5th Session Encoding, AI
Chairs: |
05.01 V |
Michael Beyeler1, J. Granley1, A. Lozano2,3, C. Soto3, F. Grani3, A. Rodil3, E. Fernandez3 |
05.02 V |
Yuli Wu1, D. Nguyen1, H. Konermann1, R. Yilmaz1, P. Walter2, J. Stegmaier1 |
05.03 KV |
Henning Konermann1, Y. Wu1, P. Walter2, J. Stegmaier1 |
05.04 KV |
Nick Lorenz1, L. Heyermann1, P. Löhler1, A. Albert1, A. Erbslöh2, K. Seidl1,3 |
05.05 V |
Leo Buron1, L. Kaiser1, J. Dicke1, N. Lorenz2, J. Zimmermann3, K. Seidl2, G. Schiele1, A. Erbslöh1 |
12:50 h |
Lunch break in the industrial exhibition |
13:50 h |
6th Session Human Studies
Chairs: |
06.01 V |
Jungyeon Park1, A. K. Goldstein2, Y. Zhou2, D. Palanker1,3 |
06.02 V |
Takeshi Morimoto, R. Atsumi |
06.03 V |
Nico Marek1, S. Pollmann1,2 |
06.04 V |
Roberto Morollón Ruiz, L. Soo, D. Waclawczyk, J. A. Cueva Garcés, M. M. Ayuso Arroyave, I. Willemse, E. Fernández |
06.05 V |
Ralf Hornig1, Y. Le Mer2, M. Muqit3, L. Olmos de Koo4, J.A. Sahel5, D. Palanker6, F.G. Holz7 |
06.06 V |
Astrid Jiang1, M.P. Barry2, G. Dagnelie3, P.R. Troyk2 |
06.07 V |
Eduardo Fernandez |
06.08 V |
Gislin Dagnelie1, P. Grant2, M.P. Barry3, K. Stipp3, V.L. Towle4, F.T. Collison2, F.J. Lane3, K. Stephan4, K. Jiang1, J.P. Szlyk2, P.R. Troyk3 |
06.09 V |
Daniele Re, R. Ibrahim, S. Oz, A. Sharon, I. Vebraite Adereth, Y. Hanein |
16:05 h |
General discussion with coffee break and farewell |
17:30 h |
End of the meeting |
Your way to AachenBack to top
International Airports. High Speed Train System
From Frankfurt: Take the ICE High Speed train from Frankfurt Airport Station to Cologne Main Station (approx. 1h) and continue to Aachen Main Station (approx. 45-60 min).
From Düsseldorf:Take the train from Düsseldorf Airport Station to Düsseldorf Main Station (approx. 10 min) and then continue to Aachen Main Station (approx. 1.5 h).
From Cologne: Take the train from Cologne Airport Station to Cologne Main Station (approx. 15 min) and then continue to Aachen Main Station (approx. 45 - 60 min).
From Aachen Main Station take a taxi to Technologiezentrum at Europaplatz
By car
From Frankfurt Airport you can drive highway A3 to Cologne and then change to A4 direction to Aachen. At AK Aachen please change to A544 direction Aachen Europaplatz (approx. 3 h).
From Düsseldorf Airport. A52 ➔ A61 ➔ A44. Then A544 direction Europaplatz (approx. 95 km, 1 h)
From Cologne Airport. Take the A59, then change to A599 followed by A4 towards Aachen. Then A544 direction Europaplatz. (approx. 82 km, 1 h)

Meeting address
Novotel Aachen City
Peterstraße. 66
52062 Aachen
AachenBack to top
Aachen and the EUREGIO area
The city of Aachen is the most western city in Germany close to the borders of The Netherlands and Belgium. Aachen has approx. 250,000 inhabitants and the University and the University Hospital are the largest employer here in Aachen. Aachen has a long history and you can still see significant witnesses of a time long ago, such as the cathedral with its beautiful and mystic octagon and the astonishing gothic city hall. But Aachen with its important historic phase of Charlemagne today is a young and vivid town with its university and the many students from various countries in the world. RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading technical universities in Europe with a strong focus on mechanical and electrical engineering but also on information technology and natural sciences. Aachen forms a cultural, industrial and also scientific cross border triangle together with Liege in Belgium and Maastricht in The Netherlands forming the EUREGIO area. Many cooperations exist between the institutions within this area.
The Artificial Vision Meeting is set to the beginning of December. Although the weather might not be perfect – in fact it could be cold and maybe rainy – it is worth to visit the cosy Christmas Market in the city. You should try “Printen”, a local biscuit speciality with a high “addiction” potential.
Aachen is also not far away from Cologne with its huge cathedral and its several concert halls and the province capital Düsseldorf with its important art and fashion scene. You can also reach the European capitals Paris and Brussels by high speed train within a few hours.
There are also many more reasons to come and visit Aachen and we are looking forward to see you.